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Brand research is a structured creative process that reveals insights into customer perceptions. These insights guide and inform the development of effective brand and rebranding design and communications solutions.

Gaining a clear understanding of your brand and how it is perceived, both internally and externally, is essential in creating an effective design, development and communications solution.

Based on our many years of experience, we can apply brand research disciplines such as on-line surveys, interviews, focus groups and desk research to cost-effectively gather the data you need. From that basis of knowledge we are then able to extract conclusions and recommend specific actions that will enhance your activities and deliver tangible benefits to your business.

A defined programme
Brand research can be controlled to achieve specific objectives within a defined total budget. At the very beginning we will discuss with you to agree the research aims and ambitions, the most appropriate activities and the costs involved.

Brand auditing and benchmarking
A key consideration of research is to identify how your important audiences perceive your organisation and its value to them. By auditing and benchmarking your current proposition against your competitors we can reveal strategic information that will add focus to your brand activities and help maximise your return on marketing investment.

On-line surveys
Database-led on-line surveys are great for quantitative brand research. They can be easily and cost effectively conducted across a wide variety of business sectors and to large numbers of contacts. The results provide a snapshot of the current situation and also create a map of audience characteristics that can be used to benchmark, monitor and asses the effectiveness of future brand activities.

One-to-one interviews
Interviews provide the qualitative insights that inform the development of truly meaningful brand communications. They are typically conducted by telephone or face-to-face with key stakeholders such as senior decision makers, influencers and referrers who can affect their organisation’s relationship with your business.

Focus groups
Controlled discussions among small selected groups of people are ideal for exploring specific brand concepts in-depth. For instance, at one extreme they can be used to gain further knowledge of attitudes revealed in previous on-line brand research, and at the other extreme to gain initial reactions to proposed brand designs, brand positioning statements and advertising. As with one-to-one interviews, focus groups identify qualitative insights.

To discuss your next project contact us:

Tel: +(44) 020 7253 3722 Email:


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